Accident Justice Law secured a $5 MILLION settlement for a client involved in a Jet Ski Accident

Over 40 percent of Arizona’s crash fatalities caused by alcohol

Many Arizonans enjoy drinking an alcoholic beverage every nowMany Arizonans enjoy drinking an alcoholic beverage every now and then. There is nothing wrong with knocking back a few drinks-as long as you do not get in your car and drive under the influence of alcohol.

Despite numerous public service campaigns, strict laws against drinking and driving and numerous tragedies involving drunk drivers, some people still decide to drink and drive. Far too many drivers decide to get behind the wheel rather than catching a ride, often leading to accidents, injuries and fatalities.

Arizona’s drunk driving statistics

The Arizona Department of Transportation offers some sobering statistics about drunk driving in our state. According to their data, in 2016 there were 406 fatalities that were related to drunk driving. That year, there were 962 fatalities total. That means that 42 percent of the state’s car-accident-related fatalities were due in part to drunk drivers. The number of car accidents that involved alcohol but did not end fatally is even higher. There were nearly 5,000 car accidents in which alcohol was involved..

Alternatives to drunk driving

Alcohol-related crashes are easily preventable. There are several alternatives to driving drunk, including:

  • Calling a taxi
  • Using a rideshare like Uber or Lyft
  • Catching a ride with a sober driver
  • Taking public transportation
  • Walking home

What to do if you are in a drunk-driving accident

Despite the array of alternatives, drunk driving is likely to continue. If you are in a car accident that was caused by a drunk or impaired driver, you have legal options to consider. When someone suffers an alcohol-related crash, it may be possible to receive compensation for medical bills, auto repairs and other damages. It is important that victims do their part to take action against drunk driving.

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